Girl CEO Game

Every Wednesday and Friday we plan on sharing some #GirlCEOGame that will help with your personal and business development.

Game that you might already know and need to be reminded of

Game that  might have never  been shared with you and 

Game that might help you view things from a different perspective

No matter what, we just want to share game…without the fluff! 😀

Today’s #GirlCEOGame message is about “Priorities”

Hey Girl CEO’s

#Priority: An underrated term. Things get done or not get done because you put certain things in front of others. If you have your priorities in check then this new year might actually just be your year.

If you’re such a hard worker and know how to get a lot accomplished each day, why do you feel like you’re stuck in the same place? 

Why is it, when all is said and done, and a year goes by…you feel frustrated as heck? Why is it that all the things you SHOULD have done are not and you did the things you SHOULDN’T have?

We spend our time in certain ways because we choose to. There is nothing we do without choosing. We have the choice to work or not to work, to write that report or not, to take the phone call or to wait.

Learning to manage your time better will free up time to do the really important things. Rewards come from good time management habits⏰

Planning is the most important part of the formula we call time management. Some of us say, “I don’t have time to do any planning,” or “Things change too much to plan!” But this is a fact: research shows that for every 1 minute you spend in planning, you will gain 10 in execution. 1 minute=10 minutes. 10 minutes=1 hour and 40 minutes! Planning will keep you on course in achieving your goals📝 .

I read a story by Dale Carnegie where he talked about how two men who were out chopping wood. One man worked hard all day, took no breaks, and only stopped for lunch. The other chopper took several breaks during the day and a naps at lunch. At the end of the day, the woodsman who took no breaks was mad to see that the other chopper had cut more wood than he had. He said, “I don’t understand. 

Every time I looked around, you were sitting down, yet you cut more wood than I did.” His friend asked, “Did you also notice that while I was sitting down, I was sharpening my axe?”🔪 .

See planning is all about “sharpening your axe.” You have to take time to make time. Planning is the difference between being REACTIVE and PROACTIVE. 

When you don’t plan, you end up responding to the day’s events as they happen and you ain’t running your own life ! #SharpenYourAxe !!🔋

From Ronnie @ #GirlCEOGame

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